Mud Lake Golden Retrievers
Email: Phone: 260-609-0780
Merrygold's Fool Throttle
Rukus is hitting his stride in 2012. He is major pointed (4 point specialty win at White River GRC - 2012) and well on his way to completing his CH.
(Ch. Annecys Ain't No Bugs On Me@MGG x CH Kandiland's Timebomb@Mgg)
GCH Mud Lake Mad Hatter Maxx, CCA
AM/CAN CH Venture Redog's Magic Hat Trick, OS x CH Nitro's Mud Lake Princess Jess, TDX, CCA, BISS, CGC
Maxx is a wonderful boy from my very accomplished and beautiful Jessie. He is owned and loved by Terri, Brian, and Will Coon. They have done an exceptional job with their first show dog! He has all his clearances and is available at stud by contacting Terri. Contact information is available at Maxx's website: The link to Maxx's page is below.